If you are reading this I can only assume that you are fellow baseball card collector or you are hopelessly lost in cyberspace. Being a long time reader of most of the blog out there I felt that it was time for me to try my hand at this whole blogging thing.
First off a little about me, or at least what I collect and my thoughts as to what to ecpect from this blog.
I am a collector of baseball and football cards, mostly baseball though. I have been a collector of cards on and off for the last 18 years. Currently my collection is focused on collecting any Mark McGwire and Brett Favre cards that I can get a hold of as well as collecting cards from the local Detroit sports teams.
As for what you could come to expect from this blog, I'm not connected so there probably won't be any breaking news on this site but I will have opinions about new products after someone else breaks the news. I also am planning on doing some box and pack breaks to share with you. My biggest hope for this blog though is that I can makes some trades and finish off those sets that have been laying around incomplete for far too long. If you loof to the left sidebar all of my current wantlists are posted. If you have something that I need drop me an e-mail and we can see if a trade can be worked out.
That is all for my first post hope you continue to check out my blog.
New blog
16 years ago